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Debate on humanitarian crisis bill

The debate on the humanitarian crisis bill continues in Parliament for a second day on Wednesday. A roll-call vote, asked from the Golden Dawn party, to approve the bill in principle will take place at 12.00. The voting of the bill is expected to be concluded late on Wednesday.

Cava de Tireni honors Yannis Korinthios

One more link in the "chain" that connects it with Greece was added by the Italian city of Cava de Tireni, by bestowing the title of honorary citizen, on the president of the Federation of Greek Communities and Fraternities of Italy Yannis Korinthios, in recognition of his contribution to the Diaspora, in culture and education and philhellenism.

Κύπρος: Υπογράφηκε συμφωνία με Total

Συμφωνία για τη διεξαγωγή περαιτέρω ερευνητικών εργασιών στην αποκλειστική οικονομική ζώνη της Κύπρου, υπέγραψαν σήμερα ο Κύπριος υπουργός Ενέργειας Γιώργος Λακκοτρύπης και ο γενικός διευθυντής της Total E&P Cyprus B.V. Ζαν Λικ Πορσερόν.