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5th Possible MH 370 Signal Detected

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Malaysia Airlines Flight 370's search has found a possible 5th signal, from the locator beacons of the apparent black boxes.

RAAF AP-3C Orion aircraft detected the sounds that are now being analyzed by RAAF Base Edinburgh. The supposed signal was revealed by sonar buoys that had been distributed by the aircraft.

Retired Air Chief Marshal Angus Houston stated that the data showed, "...potential of being from a man-made source". Four civilian airplanes, ten military jets and thirteen vessels were used in today's search, for the Malaysian plane that disappeared on March 8th. The revamped search region is approximately three-quarters of the size being searched yesterday, and significantly smaller than a few weeks prior.

Houston claimed of the updated quest, "I believe we are searching in the right area, but we need to visually identify wreckage before we can confirm with certainty that this is the final resting place of MH370". The Marshal added, "I'm now optimistic that we will find the aircraft or what's left of the aircraft in the not-too-distant future". Today is the 34th day of search efforts for the missing MH 370 plane.