The 22nd Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum: "Greece – Looking Ahead With Confidence"
- Written by E.Tsiliopoulos
The 22nd Annual Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum: "Greece – Looking Ahead With Confidence" will take place on Tuesday - Wednesday, December 15th - 16th, 2020. This is an International Summit about Greece in New York organized in cooperation with the New York Stock Exchange and major global investment banks. The Forum will feature government and business leaders from Greece, Europe, and the United States, and top executives from the investment, financial and business communities.
The Capital Link Invest in Greece Forum, through a unique 22-year track record of success is recognized as the main platform for updating US investors on developments in Greece, business and investment opportunities and the attractiveness of Greece as an investment destination. It gathers the elite of the financial and investment communities, as well business and government leaders from the United States and Greece.
Foreign investments are of critical significance for the re-launching of the economy. With a proven track record and wide acceptance within the business, financial and investment communities, the Capital Link Forum also offers the perfect timing to communicate the Prime Minister’s relayed message at the HELEXPO on the Government’s 12 initiatives to support the economy, which he described as "12 steps of confidence", and "bridges that will transfer Greece and the Greeks from the health and economic turmoil to the calm waters of progress and hope”. A message that will enhance investor interest and confidence and help attract foreign investments.
With the adequate incentives provided by the Government to international investors for new business in Greece and with the actual new significant investments that had been announced within the first months of 2020, as well as with its new measures to fight the Covid-19 pandemic, it is obvious that the Greek Government has provided a solid basis for the re-launching of Greek economy. Greece’s underlying investment story remains intact, in spite of the coronavirus crisis.
The Forum will highlight the efforts to achieve the shift of the economy to a new, sustainable development model for Greece of tomorrow. A confident economy: productive, technologically advanced, innovative, extroverted, intelligent, and competitive, which has disproved the pessimists and attracted the recognition and praise of European partners. The Forum will focus on business and investment opportunities in key sectors of the economy.
The Greek Delegation will include senior members of the new government and business leaders who will present to US investors the developments and reforms in the Greek economy and the opportunities ahead. The Forum will also feature senior executives from the major investment banks which support the Forum and other market experts.
In parallel to the main session, there will also be a series of one-on-one meetings between investors, the management of the participating companies and government officials.
Adapting to the current reality the Forum and the one-on-one meetings will be organized in a digital form.
It will feature government and business leaders including the Prime Minister and the following Ministers : Mr. Christos Staikouras-Minister of Finance, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis-Minister of Development & Investments, Mr. Pierrakakis–Minister of Digital Governance, Mr. Kostas Hatzidakis-Minister of Environment & Energy, Mr. Kostas Karamanlis - Minister of Infrastructure & Transport, Mr. Harry Theocharis-Minister of Tourism, Mr. Ioannis Plakiotakis -Minister of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy, Mr. Theodoros Skylakakis-Alternate Minister of Finance for fiscal policy, Mr. Nikos Papathanasis - Alternate Minister of Development & Investments.
As in previous years, the Forum will provide foreign investors with unique networking opportunities through one-to-one meetings with listed and non- listed companies, as well as, with members of the Greek government delegation, which under the present circumstances.
For an invitation to the forum see
- The European & Greek Macro Picture
- Greek Government Economic Policies & Objectives
- Investing In Greek Fixed Income Securities
- Energy & Utilities – Electricity, Oil & Gas, Water Supply
- Green & Renewable Energy Sector
- Tourism – Hospitality – Real Estate
- Shipping & Logistics
- Innovation & Entrepreneurship
- Exploring a Multi-Billion Dollar Investment in Greece’s Ports, Infrastructure & Energy
- Greece - An Emerging Investment Destination
- A New Era for Foreign Investments In Greece
- The Hellinikon Project Underway– From Vision to Reality
- Realizing the Largest Integrated Resort Casino Project in Europe
- Unblocking Growth Potential of Transport & Infrastructure Projects
- Transforming Greece Through Large Privatization & Infrastructure Projects
- The Digital Transformation of The Greek State
- Turning Greece Into the Silicon Valley Of Southeastern Europe
- Banking & Financial Services
- Greek NPLs – Progress & Outlook
- Entrepreneurship– Greek Success Stories Attracting International Investors
- Why Greece – The International Investor Viewpoint
- Greece - A Seasoned Investor’s Perspective A one-on-one discussion of John Paulson
- The Greek – American Partnership in Eastern Mediterranean & West Balkans
Prime Minister of the Hellenic Republic (via webcast)
Minister of Finance
Minister of Development & Investments
Minister of Environment & Energy
Minister of Digital Governance
Minister of Infrastructure & Transport
Minister of Maritime Affairs & Insular Policy
Minister of Tourism
Alternate Minister of Development & Investments
Deputy Minister of Development & Investments
Alternate Minister of Finance for Fiscal Policy
Greek Ambassador to the United States
Chief Economic Adviser to Prime Minister
Council of Economic Advisers, Hellenic Republic
Secretary General, International Economic Relations – Ministry of Foreign Affairs US GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS
Deputy Assistant Secretary of State
US Ambassador to the Hellenic Republic
Vice-President & Managing Director for the Aegean & Western Balkans - US International Development Finance CorporationINTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS
European Central Bank
European Stability Mechanism (ESM)
European Bank for Reconstruction & Development
Bank of Greece
Alpha Bank
National Bank of Greece
Goldman Sachs
Nomura International
Axia Ventures Group
Athens Water Supply & Sewage Company S.A. (EYDAP)
Fourlis Holdings
GEK TERNA Group of Companies
Hellenic Gas Transmission System Operator (DESFA)
Hellenic Petroleum (ELPE)
Lamda Development S.A.
Motor Oil (Hellas)
Mytilineos S.A.
Orilina Properties REIC / Zeus Group
OTE Group of Companies
Piraeus Real Estate
Prodea Investments
Public Power Corporation of Greece (PPC)
Terna Energy
Titan Cement Group
Trastor REIC (Värde Global Real Estate)
Cepal Hellas Financial Services S.A.
Elikonos Capital Partners
Enterprise Greece
Envolve Entrepreuneurship
EOS Capital Partners
Epignosis eLearning Solutions
Greek National Tourism Organization (GNTO)
Grivalia Management Company
Hellenic Corporation of Assets and Participation (HCAP)
Hellenic Republic Asset Development Fund
Independent Authority for Public Revenue
Intrum Hellas
Public Debt Management Agency
Regency Entertainment S.A. – Lampsa Hellenic Hotels S.A.
Venture Friends
Atlantic Bank / New York Community Bank
AVIS Greece
Brown Hotels
CISCO, Greece, Cyprus, Malta, Portugal
Eldorado Gold Corporation
Flott & Co. PC
Hines Greece
Libra Group
Microsoft Greece, Cyprus & Malta
Mohegan Gaming & Entertainment
NN Hellas
Pfizer Hellas
Quantum Partners/547 Energy LLC
Capital Product Partners
Danaos Corporation
Diana Shipping
Dorian LPG
Dynagas LNG Partners
Pyxies Tankers
Safe Bulkers
Seanergy Maritime Holdings
Star Bulk Carriers
Apollo Advisors
BC Partners
BlackSummit Financial Group, Inc.
BrookStreet Equity Partners LLP
CVC Capital Partners
HIP Investment Partners (Blackstone Group)
Insight Partners
Oak Hill Advisors
Paulson & Co.LAW FIRMS
Allen & Overy LLP
Karatzas & Partners Law Firm
Lambadarios Law firm
Machas & Partners Law Firm
Milbank LLP
PotamitisVekris Law Partnership
Reed Smith LLP
Saplegal – A.S. Papadimitriou & Partners Law Firm
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