Amphipolis lures seaplanes
- Written by E.Tsiliopoulos
Seaplane companies have shown increased interest in the adding the Amphipolis port as a destination at their route schedule.
The issue of licensing waterways in the rather 'forgotten' port of Amphipolis is under consideration by the Port Authority of Amphipolis, after seaplane companies have shown increased interest in the adding this destination at their route schedule.
One of the companies has already sent an offer for the exploitation and integration of the port in the country's waterways.
The companies, according to the mayor Amphipolis, Costas Melitos, asked the Port Authority to allow them to approach the port of Amphipolis by seaplanes, since this new destination is going to definitely attract tourists from all over Greece.
"They asked us, at their own expense to construct, a licensed waterway" said the Mayor of Amphipolis and explained that "the City Council will take immediate action so that the it publishes as soon as possible an open tender for all interested companies. "It was a very pleasant development for us. If everything goes well, from April onwards we will be ready to accommodate seaplanes at our port”, Melitos has stated.
The port of Amphipolis, was once (after WWII) a large commercial and passenger port. It is located just 2.5 kilometers from theKasta Hill of Ancient Amphipolis, where recent findings have stimulated world interest.
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