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Solution through disagreement says Varoufakis

The next step is a responsible step; Europe will continue discussions to increase possibilities and reach a very good result for the European citizen, either being Greek, Dutch or German, Finance Minister Yanis Varoufakis said on Tuesday arriving at the ECOFIN Council meeting.

In Europe, we know how to discuss in order to reach a very good and decent solution through the initial disagreements, he noted. The head of the Eurogroup Jeroen Dijsselbloem expressed the hope that the Greek side will submit a request for an extension to the programme and once it has done so, he noted, we can allow flexibility within the programme which can be included in the Greek authorities’ political priorities.

We have to consider whether the programme remains on track which is the best way to move forward, he said and noted it was up to the Greeks, whom we cannot force into anything. We are ready to work with the Greek side in the next two days, Dijsselbloem concluded.