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Merkel, Lagarde, Dijsselbloem: Progress on Greece, work still needed

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said on Monday that all European Union leaders argued strongly in favor of commitments needed for the achievement of a deal between Greece and its creditors.

Speaking to journalists at a press conference following a summit meeting of Eurozone leaders in Brussels, Merkel noted that a lot of hard work still needs to be done in the negotiations and that Greece must remain in the Eurozone. 

She said that time is running out for a deal, while she added that negotiations with the Greek government concern the sustainability of Greek debt. The Chancellor noted, however, that Greece will not have to start repaying a large part of its debt for many years to come. 
At a separate press conference taking place in Brussels, IMF chief Christine Lagarde told journalists a lot of work still needs to be done in the next 48 hours on Greece. Adding that Greece’s new proposals are more detailed but do not fully comply with what has been discussed. 
The same view was echoed by Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem who said that “hard work” is needed.