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SYRIZA MP Lafazanis presents euro exit plan

SYRIZA MP Panagiotis Lafazanis late on Monday presented an alternative solution with a political plan of exiting the eurozone.

Lafazanis, in an event organised by Iskra website, presented the basic principles of this plan. More specifically, he spoke of the nationalisation of the banks, the redistribution of wealth through a new tax system, the restoration of democratic legitimacy and the transparency in the media and the write off of the greatest part of the debt.

He also suggested the establishment of a national currency, stressing that the exit from the eurozone is not a disaster.

"In the first phase of transition there will be difficulties, but the exit accompanied by progressive policies will lead to the rapid restoration of the economy," he added, while proposing "the opening of the forbidden debate on the national currency within SYRIZA."