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Lafazanis' Love for Drachma Causes Headaches for SYRIZA

SYRIZA cadres are distancing themselves from the position of mp Panayotis Lafazanis for a return of Greece to the drachma.

SYRIZA central committee member Yannis Milios characterized the Lafazanis position as a “minority” within the party, followed by the party's parliamentary representative Dimitris Papadimoulis clarifying that SYRIZA is not adopting any return to the drachma.

Speaking on radio station Real Mr. Papadimoulis noted that after many years of debate the party did not adopt the return to the drachma policy with a great majority of its congress.

Economist, Yannis Milios had earlier said that the positions of Mr. lafazanis are in the minority and do not affect party policy.

However, Mr Lafazanis, speaking on Monday to ANT1 media stood by his position saying that a clear cut NO to a return to the drachma weakened the bargaining arsenal of the party, and the country, vis-a-vis creditors. He also noted that while Europe was sinking, “we are stuck with a Europe centric doctrine.”