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Man gunned down while dropping off child at school

The Athens suburb of Glyka Nera became the scene of a gangland style execution, as this morning, incredible scenes unfolded outside a local elementary school.

Specifically, at 08:15, four hooded people who were driving a car shot and killed a father, who was also a well-known figure in the nefarious nightlife of the Greek capital, and also a champion bodybuilder, Vasilis Grivas, who had just left his child at school (The 2nd Primary School, on Salonon Street) and returned to his car.

The victim was immediately taken to Sismanoglio Hospital, where he was later pronounced dead.

The mother of another pupil, who was also outside the school, was injured lightly by a ricocheing bullet.

It should be noted that the shooting and murder of the man took place at the time of prayer at school, but at the back of the building, where the children had no visual access.

The hooded men then disappeared while the car they were driving was found burned a few meters farther down, specifically at Agamemnonos Street, about 600 meters from the execution.

The police found nine shells at the point of attack. The first evidence suggests that it is a "settling of accounts" between rival gangs and that the perpetrators had fired on their victim with a Kalashnikov assault rifle. The victim in the past had been involved with the police for blackmail cases.