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Albanian media: “New Macedonia” the name Athens & Skopje agreed on

While the Albanian Deputy Prime Minister of Skopje Bujar Osmani visits Athens for contacts with the Greek Foreign Ministry leadership, a message from the Albanian information portal www.infoshqip.com, which refers to “details” of the forthcoming Athens-Skopje agreement for the name, citing “reliable Greek sources”.

According to the Albanian publication, the official name that has been agreed is “Republic of New Macedonia” and in short “New Macedonia”. The agreement also provides for solutions to ecclesiastical, language and identity issues, not only to the Slavomacedonians but also to the Greeks of Macedonia.

The name of the country will be in Slavic, English, Greek and Albanian. Specifically:

Република Нова Македонија (мк-кир)
Republika Nova Makedonija (mk-lat)
Republic of New Macedonia (eng)
Δημοκρατία της Νέας Μακεδονίας (gr)
Dimokratia tis Nea Makedonia (gr-lat)

Нова Македонија – Nova Makedonija (mk)
New Macedonia (eng)
Νέα Μακεδονία (gr)

Sovremen Makedonski jazik (мк)
Modern Macedonian/Makedonski (eng)
Σλαβομακεδονική γλώσσα – Slavomakedoniki glossa (gr)

Македонско (мк)
New Macedonian (eng)
Νεομακεδονική (gr)

Нова Македонска Православна Црква–Охридска Архиепископија (мк)
New Macedonian Orthodox Church–Ohrid Archbishopric (eng)
Ορθόδοξη Εκκλησία της Νέα Μακεδονίας-Αρχιεπισκοπή της Οχρίδας (gr)