Athens-Thessaloniki travel time drops to 4 hrs with new, state-of-the-art trains
- Written by E.Tsiliopoulos
New, state-of-the-art trains going into operation on May 15 (Sunday) will reduce travel time between Athens and Thessaloniki to 4 hours, TrainOSE said on Friday.
Normally, the travel time between the capital and the major northern city takes closer to 6 hours.
The new ETR470 trains will have nine wagons, which include a restaurant/bar and three first-class wagons. Each train has a seating capacity of 600 people.
ETR470 trains will run twice a day in each direction:
- Leaving Athens at 07:22, it will stop at Larissa at 09:58, and arrive in Thessaloniki at 11:20. The next one, in the afternoon, will leave Athens at 17:22, stop at Larissa at 20:00, and arrive in Thessaloniki at 21:21.
- Leaving Thessaloniki, ETR470 will leave the station at 07:08, stop at Larissa at 08:09, and arrive in Athens at 11:03. The next one, in the afternoon, will leave Thessaloniki at 17:08, stop at Larissa at 18:08 and arrive in Athens at 21:04.
To promote the event, TrainOSE is offering a 20% discount for tickets booked in the next 20 days, with travel time between May 15 and June 3.
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