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Venizelos & EC VP Kallas Conduct Financial Sustainability Meeting

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Today's meeting between Government Vice President and Foreign Minister Evangelos Venizelos and European Commission Vice President for Transport Issues Siim Kallas centered on financial sustainability.

According to ANA, Venizelos stated after the discussion, "As we have repeatedly said and as the head of the European Financial Stability Facility (EFSF) Klaus Regling has stressed, Greece's debt is sustainable for the reasons we have outlined technically". He added that this was renounced only: "by those not wishing to admit that Greece has created, thanks to the sacrifices of its citizens, the conditions for a final exit from the crisis and final return to conditions of European normality".

Of Hellenic citizens, Venizelos commented, "We have a historic obligation to explain to the Greek people...regardless of the party preferences, how the country stood on its feet, how it was saved and how it is an aligned member-state of the EU and the euro".

The governmental head also offered remarks concerning Turkey's 90 million demanded payout to Cyprus, and deemed the act: "an exceptionally important decision".  Venizelos further stated, "Cyprus is fighting to find a solution in accordance with international law and the European acquis; Turkey bears responsibility, the ECHR has held it responsible for years now, and it would be extremely auspicious and productive for (Turkey) to take the ECHR rulings into account in order to contribute to drawing up an feasible, just and viable solution, in line with Security Council resolutions and European rules".