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Bishop Anthimos Condemns Homosexuality

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Thessaloniki Bishop Anthimos recently condemned the gay community, when asked about the city's recent PRIDE festival.

The religious leader stated that homosexuality is a: "perversion of the human existence". When asked about the Thessaloniki PRIDE parade, the Bishop commented, "Do not give dogs what is holy", referring to text from the gospel of Matthew.

Bishop Anthimos added: "Show respect that my position and life is wholly dedicated to the church and the people and respect the fact that I'm well behaved, so don't associate me with this disgrace. Enough. This is a perversion of the human existence."

The motto for PRIDE 2014 is, "This is our time". Athens and Cyprus recently held PRIDE festivals. Metropolitan Seraphim of Piraeus stated that homosexuality is the: "most disgusting and unclean sin...a unnatural aberration not even observed in animals".
