Study in Greece from Abroad: E-learning Courses @ the University of Athens
Delve into the e-learning programmes in English of the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, the oldest institution of higher learning in Greece, and enjoy the flexibility to study at your own pace from anywhere in the world. Over the last 15 years, the E-Learning Center of the University of Athens has trained more than 45.000 people in a variety of fields, and its programmes have recently seen major interest from overseas students.
Drawing on the expertise of senior academics and experts, the e-learning programmes are offered in a variety of fields, combining innovative teaching techniques and interaction with personal tutors through a friendly online educational platform. All the courses are designed with the aim to interconnect academic and applied knowledge in various subjects from archaeology and philosophy, to economics and successful completion of the courses leads to an Official Certificate of Training or Specialized Training.
Programmes offered this period fall within the following main categories: Cultural, Health, Nanotechnology-Nanomedicine, Environment | Architecture, Intangible Cultural Heritage, Economics and Coaching.
A category of special interest is Culture: the University of Athens has designed a number of different programmes on subjects relative to Modern and Ancient Greek Culture with programmes such as Ritual performance in Minoan Crete, The arts of ancient Greece: the birth of classical taste, Mediterranean Food and Diet, Modern Greek for non Greek speakers, and many more.
You can find a list of all of the e-learning programmes offered here. Aplication deadline is May 30.
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