Athens Study Abroad Program Scheduled in June
A three-week study abroad program entitled, "Athens: From Ancient Polis to Postmodern Metropolis" has been scheduled from June 7th until the 27th.
The intensive University of Athens program includes at least 40 hours of a.m. classes, along with afternoon expert lectures, and trips to varying regions of Greece during the weekends. The course is based on Athenian history and Hellenic cultures from ancient until present times.
As its syllabus states, "Through a comprehensively structured academic syllabus, enrolled students are able to reflect on many different aspects of the city's history and culture – from its archaeology and art history to matters of modern and postmodern political and social life."
The Acropolis and the New Acropolis Museum, the National Archaelogical Museum, the Byzantine Museum and the First Cemetery of Athens are just some of the sites that the course will cover. Weekend excursions include Olympia, Delphi, Epidaurus, and Nafplion, among others.
Both undergraduate and graduate students from a wide range of studies are encouraged to apply, such as history, social anthropology, archeology, classics, cultural studies and art history majors. Additional information on "Athens: From Ancient Polis to Postmodern Metropolis" can be found at:
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