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Huffington Post Article Features Mystras, Greece!

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The Huffington Post published "15 Gorgeous Spots That Take Us Back In Time...Without The Crowds" by Carly Ledbetter today, and included Greece in its list!

The exotic rundown features fifteen different locations that are not your average tourist spot. As Ledbetter states, "These 15 spots -- towns with charming medieval squares or even gorgeous old castles -- will provide all the history you want, without the big time crowds".

Mystras, Greece was listed as the 15th destination, along with Trakai, Lithuania, Bath, England, Bruges, Belgium, Pingyao, China, Bernkastel-Kues, Germany, York, England, Noyers-sur-Serein, France, Dunnottar Castle, Scotland, Brasov, Romania, Provins, France, Loch Ness, Scotland, Sighisoara, Romania, Barga, Italy, and Old Town of Edinburgh, Scotland.

The article can be read in full at: http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2014/07/21/places-take-us-back-in-time-medieval_n_5578500.html.