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Major Australian Organizations Condemn Planned Golden Dawn Trip

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As Golden Dawn plans to travel to Australia, the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of Australia, the Australian Hellenic Council, the Australian Education Union, the Australian Council of Trade Unions, the Arab Council of Australia, along with other major organizations, have issued a collaborative statement condemning the trip.

European Parliament Golden Dawn delegates Eleftherios Synadinos and Georgios Epitideios are reportedly planning to visit the nation to promote the political party. The public statement concerning Golden Dawn's Australian activity can be read in full below.

"The planned visit to Australia in October by two members of the extremist Greek political party, Golden Dawn, is a matter that should concern all Australians. Golden Dawn is committed to promoting division between ethnic and religious communities. It also promotes hateful attitudes towards women and espouses the marginilisation and suppression of people who it deems to have an 'unnatural' sexuality. These prejudices are entirely incompatible with the vision of a peaceful, tolerant, multicultural Australia that promotes harmony and cooperation across all parts of society.

Beyond its racist, bigoted ideology, Golden Dawn draws inspiration from the violent methods of the Nazi German regime of the last century. Its members and supporters routinely whip themselves into a frenzy of hate with torchlight rallies, demagogic rhetoric and stiff arm salutes.

Some members (including senior leaders) have been charged by police with bashing defenceless individuals who they deem to be enemies.
During 2013, the leader of Golden Dawn and dozens of its followers were arrested in Greece and charged with offences ranging from murder and causing explosions, to blackmail.

Australians have a proud record of bravery and sacrifice in fighting and defeating fascism in the twentieth century. We call on all Australians to unite once more to demonstrate their detestation of the message of hatred and the violent politics being propagated by groups like Golden Dawn."