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British High Commission Encourages Cypriot UN Led Discussions

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The British High Commission has called on all parties involved regarding Cyprus' Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) and its hostile environment, to encourage the continuation of UN approved negotiations between both sides.

A British High Commission spokesperson in Cyprus stated, "We are concerned by the continued tensions in the Republic of Cyprus' EEZ and encourage all concerned to give active support to the work of the Special Adviser to the Secretary General, Mr. Eide so that settlement talks can resume quickly, and proceed successfully," according to Parikiaki.

The Cyprus News Agency asked the British High Commission to offer a statement on recent occurrences affecting the UN heading discussions and Turkey's illegal exploration in the EEZ by its Barbaros seismic ship. The Spokesperson commented, "We regret that recent incidents, such as Turkey's latest NAVTEX, have risked raising tensions. We call on all parties to avoid inflammatory actions or statements."

The British Spokesperson added, "We recognise the Republic of Cyprus' sovereign rights to exploit mineral reserves in its EEZ, and it remains our position that such resources should be exploited for the benefit of all the communities in Cyprus."