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Injured Australian Tourist Plans Legal Action Against Greece

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An Australian tourist is planning to sue Greece, after being shot in a terrorist altercation in the nation.

The news story was initially reported in the Greek-Australian news portal Neos Kosmos, while according to The Age, tourist Grant Uranie continues to receive treatment for ankle injuries. Uranie has had to pay $25,000 in medical expenses on his own, due to his accident in Greece.

The injured football player has penned a letter to the Greek government through a lawyer for "open information" about the case, but had yet to gain a reply. He plans to conduct a final petition to the Hellenic government and to bring his case before the Greek justice system.

Uranie has been reported to be very appreciative for the assistance he was granted by the Australian Embassy in Athens. The injured Australian tourist remarked on the brink of the one-year mark of his Greek accident, "If I'm in a public area and there's police around, I do kind of get, I wouldn't say flashbacks, but a little bit of nervousness and anxiety," according to Neos Kosmos.