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Biden Pays Respects to Killed U.S. Ambassador, Cyprus

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Yesterday, American Vice President Joe Biden paid his respects to former U.S. Ambassador Rodger Davies, who lost his life forty years ago at the hands of Greek Cypriot snipers.

Biden placed a wreath honoring the slain Ambassador's memory at the U.S. Embassy.  On August 19th, 1974, Davies was gunned down at Nicosia's U.S. Embassy. Embassy Secretary Antoinette Varnavas was also shot to death. Greek Cypriots were rallying against the American administration, for not preventing the Turkish invasion of the island's Northern territory.

During the tragedy, President Glafcos Clerides immediately went to the Embassy and found Davies dead on the first floor. The Cypriot President instructed that his body be rushed to a hospital, and called U.S. Secretary of State Henry Kissinger to offer his condolences.

According to reports, Kissinger requested that Cypriot heads investigate the crime, and severely punish the guilty criminals responsible for the two murders. However, the case was filed as unsolved, which resulted in numerous conspiracy theories.

Later, the American government located ABC footage of the deaths. The U.S. news channel stated that it would offer the segment, but would not allow for it to be broadcast in court. The Cypriot court system charged gunman G. Ktimatias and N. Leftis with seven and five years behind bars. Yet, their jail time was later reduced and they were freed after 1.5 years.