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Sakellariou chosen as one of 100 most influential women

This year’s Financial News 'FN most influential women in Finance 2014' list, which is the eighth annual editorial pick of the most influential female executives working in financial services across Europe, the Middle East and Africa of Dow Jones Newswires includes a new entry from Greece.

Former German minister Fischer: Tsipras is dangerous

Berlin admits it will be forced to negotiate with a SYRIZA government, reveals former German foreign minister Joschka Fischer, who despite identifying with the Left considers Alexis Tsipras very dangerous as he is “likely to turn other countries onto dangerous leftist roads.”

AHEPA Issues Congressional 2014 Info-Card

The American Hellenic Educational Progressive Association (AHEPA) has issued its Congressional Info-Card for the 113th Congress concerning topics of significance to the Greek diaspora.

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D.C.'s Greek Embassy Hosts "The Trial of Lysistrata"

The Embassy of Greece in Washington, D.C. along with the Shakespeare Theatre Company Bard Association, are hosting "The Trial of Lysistrata" on Monday, November 24, 2014, at 7:00 p.m. at the Lansburgh Theatre.

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