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Dr House praises SYRIZA victory

 One item that caused surprise yesterday was an almost festive message of renown actor Hugh Laurie who became world famous in interpreting the role of Dr House in the homonymous TV series. A message that Alexis Tsipras himself did not leave unanswered.

"Thank you Dr" was the laconic and  humorous answer that Alexis Tsipras offered through his account on twitter.

Potami third democratic power, says leader, despite GDs third place

"Today, Potami is the third democratic power in the country. This is a victory of society. Without money, without protectors, without agreements with vested interests and unions, we achieved the unachievable: to enter Parliament with 16 lawmakers," Theodorakis told journalists, commenting on the electoral results of his party.

ANEL leader announces SYRIZA government

Greek leftwing leader Alexis Tsipras struck a deal with a right-wing party to form a government to confront international lenders and reverse years of painful austerity following a crushing election victory by his Syriza party.

Demis Roussos dead at 68

Demis Roussos’s death in Athens on Sunday January 25, 2015 has now been confirmed: the singer best known for his hits Quand je t'aime, Forever And Ever or Goodbye My Love, Goodbye died at 68.

Tsipras: People's verdict cancels austerity memorandums

"Today the Greek people have written history, hope has written history," Radical Left Coalition (SYRIZA) leader Alexis Tsipras stressed on Sunday, addressing crowds of people gathered at the Propylaea of the Athens University in central Athens, after SYRIZA's victory in the Greek elections.

«Η Ελλάδα αλλάζει σελίδα»

Για ιστορική νίκη του λαού έκανε λόγο ο πρόεδρος ΣΥΡΙΖΑ Αλέξης Τσίπρας από τα Προπύλαια ενώ είπε ότι «δεν θα επιδιώξει ούτε ρήξη ούτε συνέχιση της υποταγής θα γίνει ανεκτή».

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