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Mitsotakis in ANT1 interview: Banks should lend more to the real economy

Featured Mitsotakis in ANT1 interview: Banks should lend more to the real economy

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis stressed the importance of Greece’s strong voice in Europe, in an interview with ANT1 TV on Wednesday evening.

"Our motto is firmly closer to Europe, and in my political speeches I have promoted the great importance of Greece having a strong voice in Europe the day after, when significant decisions will be taken," he underlined.

Mitsotakis also spoke strongly about "the new expression of populism that seems to be raising heads, that is, some people putting in money that doesn’t exist, but also bringing back the toxicity that we had left in the past," he said, asking that it be repelled.  The stronger New Democracy is on the evening of the Sunday's European elections, he said, "the sooner we will carry out the reforms that we have planned," he said, stressing that "we will implement our programme regardless of the electoral result." 

Asked about the effectiveness of his government, Mitsotakis said: "Over the last 11 months, we have quickly implemented many reforms, recovered investment-grade level and raised wages." He said the first term was one devoted to handling crises, while the second one will focus on managing long-term problems of the state and taking great leaps to modernization. 

Mitsotakis reiterated that the recipe for long-term income support is permanent wage increases and tax cuts, and said his government intervened in the market to reduce the problem of high prices for households.

The prime minister noted that his government taxed the excess profits of energy companies, which resulted in holding back electricity prices, is why he said the prices of electricity did not rise further, while been held back. Referring to banks, he noted that no country in the European Union has dared to tax them without having to revoke it.
On unemployment, Mitsotakis estimated that it will fall below the two-digit rate in 2025, earlier than the initial forecast, and reiterated his call to employers to pay more if they want to find workers.

In terms of the migration issue, he noted that Greece follows a strict border control and nobody, not even human traffickers, can determine who enters the country. On relations with Türkiye, Mitsotakis stressed that in the last 15 months there has been undeniable progress in Greek-Turkish relations, “ as we have no infringements and violations of airspace," and there is much better cooperation on immigration issues as well, he added.

For North Macedonia, he sent a clear message to the prime-minister elect: “ The electoral period is over. The Prespa Agreement, which for us had a lot of issues, it yet has a basic acquis, which is the single use of a name over others, the erga omnes. He has an obligation to respect it and to state unequivocally, when he assumes office, that he respects the Prespa Agreement." Asked what would happen if he did not, Mitsotakis said, "Otherwise, the only thing he will be able to achieve is to have a very unpleasant direct experience when we all gather in Washington for the 75-year anniversary of NATO" on July 9, as North Macedonia is a NATO member.

Greece considers the neighbouring people as friends, but they need to understand that "if  they want to converge towards Europe, the road to Europe goes through Greece and through good relations with Greece," Mitsotakis said. The same, he noted, goes for Albania. "But I believe that we will not have to get to that point, because I am sure that logic will prevail," he noted. 

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