Harvard Professor Roilos Offers Cavafy Lecture
The Circle of Hellenic Academics in Boston is hosting an inaugural lecture titled: "Literature as Cultural Politics: C.P. Cavafy's Diasporic Hellenism" by Harvard professor Panagiotis Roilos.
The event is being held on Thursday, October 16th at 6:30 p.m., at the Granoff Music Center at Tufts University. Wine, cheese and crackers will be offered after the lecture and discussion.
The Circle of Hellenic Academics in Boston describes the upcoming lecture as, "Living and writing on the margins of the Greek-speaking world, C.P. Cavafy-arguably the most influential representative of Greek 'world literature'-constructed an idiosyncratic, highly sophisticated, and subversive aesthetic and ideological edifice."
The academic nonprofit adds, "This lecture focuses on the ways in which his reinterpretation of Hellenic culture may be viewed in terms of a cultural political project that was greatly influenced by his overall diasporic perspective on the historical past and the political present."
Professor Roilos serves as the George Seferis Professor of Modern Greek Studies and of Comparitive Literature, and Faculty Associate of the Weatherhead Center for International Affairs at Harvard University, where he created and co-chairs the Seminar on Cultural Politics. He is also an accomplished editor and writer, that includes: C.P. Cavafy: The Economics of Metonymy. More information about the lecture can be found at: http://hellenic-academics.org.
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