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Zoi Maroudas: "We Were Announced The Best Organic Baby Food Brand In America"

Anchorage, AK- I sat down with Bambinos Baby Food Founder and CEO Zoi Maroudas, who discussed the brand's national successes.  


The founder and mother of two incorporated her medical background and Mediterranean diet, to produce the nation’s leading frozen organic baby food.

Bambinos Baby Food is advocated by pediatricians and allergists for nutrition, superior flavor and allergy prevention.  Every product is sourced from fresh organic Alaskan ingredients.

Bambino’s Baby Food’s frozen salmon bisque was one of the more unusual ideas at the competition. Owner and creator Zoi Maroudo won the foodservice category at last year’s symphony with her halibut bisque baby food.

Last week Bambino’s Baby Food’s frozen salmon bisque was one of the more unusual ideas at the Symphony of Seafood new product competition at Centennial Hall. Creator Zoi Maroudo had won the foodservice category at last year’s symphony with her halibut bisque baby food.


Bambinos Baby Food won The American Choice Awards for Best Organic Brand 2016!  

To learn more about the brand, access: http://bambinosbabyfood.com/


