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Greek-Pontian Genocide Commemoration Events Held in New York

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The Pan‐Pontian Federation of the USA and Canada, Inc. have organized two major events, regarding the 95th Commemoration of the Greek‐Pontian Genocide.

The first will be held at the Greek Press and Communication Office of New York on Friday, May 16th, beginning at 6:00 p.m. The second, which includes a Flag raising ceremony, is scheduled for Monday, May 19th, at noon at Bowling Green Park in Lower Manhattan.

The events have been administered by Greek-American organizations, led by the Pan-Pontian Federation of the USA and Canada, whose common goal is to gain formal recognition of the Pontian-Greek Genocide by the global community and leading U.S. political figures.

Currently, the Genocide has been official recognized by Greece, Cyprus and Sweden's Parliament. Various recognition resolutions and proclamations have been distributed at the local and state levels in New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Rhode Island, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio and Illinois.

The International Association of Genocide Scholars (IAGS) circulated a resolution, requesting that Turkey cease its denial campaign concerning the Pontian-Greek Genocide and urged its government to claim responsibility of the horrendous act.