Onassis Foundation Offers Scholarships for Foreigners
The Alexander A. Onassis Foundation has announced its 21st Annual Programme of Research Grants and Educational Scholarships for Foreigners (non-Greeks).
The research grants and educational scholarships begin on October 1st, 2015. They are applicable in the Humanities, Artis, Economics and Social Sciences sectors in Greece. The programme is directed towards non-Greeks that are University Professors at all levels (Ph.D.), Postdoctoral Researchers (Ph.D.) and Ph.D. contenders. Additional information can be found at: http://www.onassis.gr/en/news-announcements-details.php?id=209.
As stated on its website, the Onassis Foundation centers on, "Culture, education, the environment, health, and social solidarity come first on the agenda of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation. All projects of the Alexander S. Onassis Public Benefit Foundation relate to Greece or Greek culture and civilisation. In the sector of social solidarity the Foundation promotes significant public benefit projects, while according to both the Foundation's regulations and the wishes of Aristotle Onassis, individual charity is not allowed."