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Conspiracy of Cells Claims Itea Postal Bomb

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Tuesday's parcel-bomb delivered to an Itea police station, has been claimed by Conspiracy of Cells of Fire/FAI IRF today.

Luckily, the explosive was neutralized by bomb experts before it had a chance to activate. The terror group posted via the web, that the bomb was mailed in revenge, regarding the death of Albanian prisoner Ili Kareli. Kareli died at the Nigrita prison in Serres, allegedly at the hands of prison guards. His death followed his own murder of Malandrinos prison guard Giorgos Tsironis.

The criminals published their proclamation on "contrainfo" and "omniaTV" websites. Its author claimed that the bomb was directed at the Itea police office, "...not just as a military base of the enemy. It is the place where the inmate Ili Kareli was beaten and tortured before being handed over to his last executioners at the Nigrita prisons". The statement also revealed collaborative efforts with "wanted urban guerrilla Christodoulos Xiros", who is a member of November 17.