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Samos Bakes World's First Cheesecake!

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In about 2000 B.C., the first cheesecake ever was created on Samos, according to archeological findings.

As reported by The Pappas Post, carbon-dated cheese molds were identified. Cooking historians predict that the Hellenic desert was served during the first ancient Olympic Games, to energize athletes during their competitions. Initial Greek cheesecake recipes included the basic ingredients of honey, flour, wheat and cheese.

Well known writer Athenaeus has been credited for documenting the first cheesecake recipe in 230 A.D., after Greeks had been baking the delicacy for more than 2,000 years.

Hellenic physician Aegimus wrote a book on cheesecake methods. The publication described simple steps, that included pounding cheese, mixing it in a brass pan, adding flour and honey, and heating it, before allowing the cake to cool before serving.

The Pappas Post published the following "Ancient Athenian Cheesecake Recipe":

4 eggs, separated
1/2 cup honey or sugar
1 lemon, juice and rind
1/2 cup flour
1 pond pot cheese
1 cup sour cream or yogurt

1 cup crumbs from zwiback rusks
1/4 cup ground walnuts or almonds
2 tablespoons oil or butter

In a large bowl, beat egg whites until stiff (with a sprinkle of salt). In a blender blend yolks, honey, lemon juice, rind, flour and cheese for a few seconds. Fold batter into egg whites using spatula. Fold in sour cream. In a separate bowl mix crumbs and nuts together. Grease the bottom and sides of a large cake pan or spring-form cake pan. Spread crumbs over bottom and sides. Pour mixture in cake pan and bake at 350(f)° for 45 minutes. Chill in cake pan 6 hours before cutting and serving.

(Source: http://www.pappaspost.com/yes-greeks-invented-cheesecake/)