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Capsized Ferry Contains 287 Missing Passengers

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Relatives of the missing South Korean Sewol ferry travelers, are desperately waiting for confirmation on the whereabouts of their loved ones.

Today's search was plagued by unfavorable weather conditions, cloudy waters and nightfall. The capsized vessel is thought to have 287 passengers trapped inside, according to officials. They believe some are still alive inside the five-story boat.

Ferry captain Lee Joon Suk is being interrogated about just exactly what happened concerning the catastrophe. At a South Korean Coast Guard office, Suk began crying and stated, "I am sorry, I am at a loss for words". As of last night, nine people had died and 179 voyagers had been rescued.

There are over 512 divers and 170 ships involved in the rescue team, that have congregated around the sunken vessel. It lies approximately 20 kilometers from Jindo's harbor in South Korea, where families of the missing await. Poor atmospheric conditions have hindered rescuers from searching all portions of the vessel. The team is hoping that air pockets have kept victims alive.

Many families are enraged at the search's pace, even though the government has pledged to constantly hunt for victims. According to CNN, mother Chang Min stated, "If the government cares for the people, our family, our children, please rescue our families and our children". It is unknown if any of the 287 missing passengers are still alive.