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Sewol Ferry's Expansion Brings Capsizing Questions

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It was reported today by a South Korean lawmaker, that the capsized Sewol ferry was expanded last year, to hold an additional 117 passengers.

Now investigators want to determine if the enlargement had anything to do with its fatal capsize, last week. Last year, the vessel's capacity was increased to 921 passengers, from 804 original passengers.

Currently, South Korean prosecutors are looking into the private business who oversees the inspection and certification of South Korean ships. It remains to be determined, just what caused the horrific accident on April 16th. The Sewol ferry was not thought to carry an excess of weight. However, this can't be confirmed until its cargo is assessed, after the ferry is raised from the Yellow Sea.

An increased number of crew members have been arrested, totaling fourteen. Twenty of the twenty-nine crew employees survived the catastrophe. Yesterday, Sewol operator Cheonghaejin Marine Co. was searched, as well as twenty affiliated businesses and the company owner's home.

The amount of identified dead passengers continues to rise each day. Today's total number reached 171 and 131 are still missing. No living survivor has been rescued since the first day of the search.