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AHEPA Pens 2015 Focus Letter

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AHEPA's Supreme President Phillip T. Frangos penned the following letter, regarding the new year and its focus.

New Year 2015!

Dear Brothers, AHEPA Family, and Friends, 

Now with 2015 upon us, we must not rest on the laurels of our good works in the community. We must stay focused on the fulfillment of our entire mission-the promotion of Education, Philanthropy, Civic Responsibility, and Family and Individual Excellence-and bring new individuals into our Order who can lend their talent, resources, and passion to further project, promote, and advance our mission. Let us not keep our good works a secret. Let us share them and offer others the opportunity to contribute. Let us make 2015 a landmark year for AHEPA.

On behalf of the entire AHEPA Family, we wish you and your family a Happy New Year!


Phillip T. Frangos
Supreme President