Peter Moskos Offers "Greek Americans: Struggle and Success" Presentation
The Cultural and Education Committee of The Hellenic-American Chamber of Commerce is presenting Dr. Peter C. Moskos, who is the author of the 3rd edition of the esteemed book, Greek Americans: Struggle and Success, in Manhattan.
The event is happening on Thursday, January 22nd at 7:00 p.m. at Holy Trinity Cathedral Center, located on 337 East 74th Street. Admission is free and a reception will follow. The acclaimed author will offer an account of Greek-Americans regarding their aspirations, strengths, contributions, conflicts and history in the United States.
Moskos, who was featured as New Greek TV's "Greek of the Week", was born in Chicago and is the son of renowned writer Charles Moskos, who wrote the first and second editions of Greek Americans: Struggle and Success. The John Jay College of Criminal Justice professor, who resides in Astoria, NY, attended Princeton University for his B.A. in Sociology and received his Ph.D. in Sociology from Harvard University.
The 43-year-old's third book is the 3rd edition of Greek Americans: Struggle and Success, that his famous father originally penned. Moskos reveals, "We were slowly not working on it for years before he died in 2008. The publisher still wanted the book, so I revised the second edition. It was a fun project that took about a year to update the original research from the late 70's. I kept it alive for another generation".
To learn more about Peter Moskos, visit:
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