AHI Discusses Greek Debt Crisis on NPR
The American Hellenic Institute's Legal Council spoke about Greece's debt crisis on NPR's "The Diane Rehm Show."
AHI volunteer legal counsel Nicholas G. Karambelas, Esq. and partner at Sfikas & Karambelas LLP discussed, "The Greek Debt Crisis and the Threat to the Eurozone," that was aired in Washington, D.C.
In addition to Karambelas, George Washington University International Business and International Affairs Professor Scheherazade Rehman and The Economist columnist Tom Nuttall were featured on the radio panel.
During the NPR feature, Karambelas described the effects of the financial turmoil on Greek citizens, concerning unemployment statistics and the middle class. The attorney also covered Greek pensions, which many families depend on.
When queried about if the economic situation in the nation is a Euro or Greek concern, Karambelas stated, "So Greece is, in a lot of ways, is a symptom rather than a cause of the euro crisis."
The full program can be listed to at: http://thedianerehmshow.org/shows/2015-06-23/the-greek-debt-crisis-and-the-threat-to-the-eurozone.
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